Process an input inspection instruction

When processing an input inspection instruction, you are requested to enter a value, a text or a value from a list.

  1. Choose Inspection Management > Inspections in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Find and select the inspection.
  3. Select the vertical tab Instructions, and choose the sub tab Inspection Instructions.
  4. Select the input inspection instruction.
  5. In the Ref ID window in the toolbar of the inspection instruction, enter the required Ref ID and click Enter.
    The entered Ref ID will be included in every inspection instruction that is processed.
  6. Click Process Inspection Instruction .
  7. In the Ref ID window, enter any required Ref ID.
    If a Ref ID was entered in step 5, this field is prefilled.
  8. Select the needed number of samples and click Next, if the inspection must be processed on samples.
  9. In the field Input enter the requested value or select the value from the list.
  10. Where applicable, add additional information in the text box Comment.
  11. Click Finish.