Inspections general
The quality of produced items or items in stock can be inspected by means of inspection instructions.
Quality inspections can be carried out:
- by the operator on an RF device
- by the operator on a PC station with a Objective Operator Client installed on it
- by the supervisor on a PC with the Objective Supervisor installed on it.
Inspection Instructions are added to an Inspection Sheet to create a full list of inspections. Inspections that are often performed together, can be combined in an inspection set to facilitate the configuration of the different inspections.
Inspection Rules determine which inspection sheets will be created in which situations.
Via inspection groups, rules can be made applicable to a group of items, instead of each item separately.
Via the sample type you determine the type of sample that should be taken (for example, piece of fabric 5 x 5, test tube, container, etc,...).
The system controls the supply of goods to inspect to the inspection work center.