Display locked inventory info

If the supply line is preceded , the stock is locked. Inventory may be locked because the warehouse, location, item, lot, sublot, and/or the LPN is locked.

  1. Choose the tab Stock.
  2. Set how you wish to view the stock, see View inventory.
  3. Select the inventory line preceded by .
  4. Right-click the selection, and choose from the shortcut menu Unlock one of the following options:
    • Unlock Warehouse
    • Unlock Location
    • Unlock Item
    • Unlock Lot
    • Unlock Sublot
    • Unlock LPN
    The options in the shortcut menu depend on the selected Location Level and the selected Item Level in the toolbar of the tab Stock.
  5. Confirm in the dialog box Unlock.
    A message about tasks that can be executed again may appear. Read carefully and click Finish.