Flow 4: Multi-pick list in a pick & pass zone with volumetrics calculation with shared LPN.
This flow follows the same picking method as described in Flow 2: Multi-pick list in a pick and pass zone with a shared LPN over the work zone but differs in volumetric calculation. The external volumetrics system calculates carton volumetrics and multi-pick list volumetrics in a single step.
In this example, the container type is box; it can carry a maximum of three items, and the pick cart can carry two containers. For this example, five containers are required with three pick carts. Picking should occur in a specified sequence, and the pick cart should be placed in the respective drop-off location before passing to the next zone. As the pick cart moves from one zone to the next, the inventory of all the PL associated with each order is added to the shared containers as per the external volumetric calculation.
For Order 1, two containers are required, and there are three PL. In the first container, the inventory of PL-1 from work zone A is clubbed with the inventory of PL-3 from work zone B, and in the second container, the inventory of PL-5 from work zone C is added. These two containers from Order 1 are grouped as one pick cart.
Similarly, for Order 2, three containers are required, and there are three PL. In the first container, the inventory of PL-2 from work zone A is clubbed with some of the inventory of PL-4 from work zone B, and in the second container, remaining inventory of PL-4 is added. The inventory of PL-5 from work zone C is added to the third container. For Order 2, two Pick Carts are required.
Example for bad configuration: Without Pick LPN and with MPL volumetrics.
In a similar scenario, where only MPL volumetrics are enabled and Pick LPN volumetrics are disabled, problems may arise. The external volumetric system lacks the necessary information about the dimensions and quantity of cartons, which leads to the failure of the MPL volumetric calculation. As a result, such a configuration cannot be supported.