Re-evaluate target

Re-evaluate target refers to the process of revising production targets that were previously set for a specific manufacturing operation. It is driven by various factors like:
  • Non availability of resources such as raw materials or manufacturing equipment.

  • Unexpected operational issues such as equipment breakdown.

  • Change in quality standards.

During the above or any other unforeseen situations, when the operation stops, the system can re-evaluate targets for the upcoming operations. This is possible only when all the operations have the same target quantity and have a stop-to-start relationship.

For example, if there are three operations that are linked with start-to-finish relations and have a set target to make 10 quantities of each product A, B, and C, respectively. Product A and B are intermediate products of the final product C.
Operations Quantity Product
Operation 1 10 A
Operation 2 10 B
Operation 3 10 C

If the re-evaluate target option is enabled and, due to an unforeseen situation, Operation 1 stops functioning after making six copies of product A, the targets of operations 2 and 3 will be re-evaluated and reflected on the data pane.

Operations Quantity Product
Operation 1 6/10 A
Operation 2 0/6 B
Operation 3 0/6 C

Enable re-evaluate target