Bring an LPN buffer online

You can add the LPN buffer with the locations beforehand. After that you can bring the LPN buffer online so it can be used.
If the LPN buffer is brought online, all of the added locations will also be brought online. If items are specifically set for the LPN buffer, these items will NOT be brought online via this action (see Item based settings in an LPN buffer).
At least 1 location has to be added to the LPN buffer to be able to bring it online. Added locations must have location type General, have LPN integrity and may not be online in another LPN buffer, pick zone, pick location...

If multiple locations are added, they have to belong to the same work zone.

  1. Choose Warehouse Management > LPN Buffers.
  2. Select the LPN buffer.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Bring LPN Buffer Online in the toolbar.
    • Right-click the selection and choose Bring LPN Buffer Online in the Shortcut menu.

    Possibly, the dialog box Bring LPN Buffer Online appears. Check whether in this case all changes can be saved. Click:

    • Yes, to save all the data and bring the LPN buffer online
    • No, to make the required changes and repeat from step 1.
  4. Click Yes in the dialog box Bring LPN Buffer Online to confirm that you want to bring the LPN buffer online.

    Possibly, the dialog box Bring LPN Buffer Online appears with the notification that one or several locations already contain inventory. Click:

    • Yes, to bring the LPN buffer online,
    • No, to skip bringing online the LPN buffer.

      Make the required changes in the LPN buffer and repeat from step 1.