Add a new allocation override reason

If a task cannot be executed at the source, an allocation override reason must be entered.

For example: Not enough inventory.

  1. Choose Warehouse Management > Task Reasons in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click Allocation Override Reasons in the Navigation pane and choose New Allocation Override Reason in the shortcut menu.
    • Click Allocation Override Reasons in the Data Pane and click New Allocation Override Reason in the toolbar of the tab Allocation Override Reasons.
  3. Enter the following fields in the option group Allocation Override Reason:


    (mandatory field)

    The name of the allocation override reason.

    Description The description of the allocation override reason.
    ID Field to be completed at your discretion, to assign an individual ID.

    Choose from the following categories:

    • SKU Shortages if the task cannot be completed by the operator with a less than full logistic carrier because of a shortage in items, the operator will get allocation override reasons from this category.
    • Full Pick LPN if the operator's logistic carrier is full without him having completed all tasks, the operator will get allocation override reasons from this category.
  4. Where applicable, in the option group Handling Options, check the options below:
    Lock Location with Reason

    Lock location so that no new orders can be sent to that location. The location is logistically locked.

    Check, choose the inventory lock reason and click Finish.

    Lock LPN with Reason

    Lock the LPN. The tasks on the LPN will be set to error. The LPN is logistically locked.

    Check, choose the inventory lock reason and click Finish.

    Generate Stock Check Objective automatically generates a counting task for the relevant location.
    Mark LPN as lost The LPN inventory will be removed from the list.
    Is a Partial Pick

    A new instruction task will be generated for the remaining items to be picked.

    For example: Only 3 out of 6 items could be picked because the carrier was full or there were insufficient goods at the location.

    Auto Reallocate LPN Objective allocates a similar LPN with identical specifications to execute the task.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Where applicable, add translations. See Add translations via tab.