Reallocate a pick order

If the pick order is part of a pick group, this action will have an effect on the pick group. See Pick groups. A pick group can also be reallocated in its entirety.

Condition: A Kit order with the status ALLOCATED, RELEASED, PICKING and for which there are shortages can be reallocated. The system will try to reallocate inventory for the required items. If an ALLOCATED pick order is reallocated, pick tasks for the newly found stock are added to the existing pick order. If the pick order already has the status RELEASED or BEING PICKED, the new pick tasks will be added to a new pick order.

  1. Choose Warehouse Management > Pick Orders in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Search for and select the pick order.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Reallocate Pick Order .
    • Right-click the pick order and choose Reallocate Pick Order in the shortcut menu.
    The dialog box Reallocate Pick Order Wizard will appear.
  4. Check Reallocate Blocked Inventory in the Reallocation Settings option group to allow the system to search for alternative inventory if the allocated inventory is blocked.
    In the Pick Line Shortage option group an overview is shown of the items that are short for the pick order.

    Click Finish.

  5. An overview is displayed of the shortages that are reallocated. Click Finish.