Enable/disable sequenced loading

To have the option Sequenced Loading checked or unchecked by default, when creating a new shipment in the Supervisor.
  1. Choose System Management > WMS Settings > Shipment Settings in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Choose Configuration > Shipment Settings in the Data Pane.
  3. Choose in the drop-down menu Sequenced Loading in the option group Shipment Options one of the following options:
    • Enabled
    • Disabled
  4. If required, click Allow the user to edit this setting to set if it must or must not be possible for the user (supervisor or operator) to edit the set default value.

    The icon Allow the user to edit this setting is a toggle button. If enabled (preceded by the symbol ), it will NOT be possible for the user to edit the setting. If disabled (preceded by the symbol ), it will be possible for the user to edit the setting.