Configure the rule block 'Receipt inspection'

  1. Choose Inspection Management > Inspection Rules > Receipt in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Choose the receipt rule in the tab Supplier Rules, Customer Rules or Carrier Rules.
  3. In the tab Rule Configuration, select the Receipt Inspection rule block that you want to configure.
  4. Choose the tab Settings.
  5. From the option group Within the receipt, select one of the following options:
    • for every x receipts
    • When the last receipt was more than x (days, weeks, months) ago
    • When the last inspection was more than x (days, weeks, months) ago
    • using a random chance of x %
  6. In the option group Inspection Sheet enter the name of the inspection sheet, or click Inspection Sheet Selection , choose the inspection sheet and click Finish.
    Only one inspection sheet of the receipt type can be added. An inspection sheet must be added.