Set default AQL options

If the use of AQL is enabled and there are no additional AQL settings on item level, these values will be used as default.
  1. Choose System Management > WMS Settings > Inspection Settings in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Choose Configuration > Inspection Settings in the Data Pane.
  3. In the option group AQL Options, complete the fields below:
    Inspection Level

    In the drop-down menu Inspection Level, choose between the options I, II and III (for common sample sizes) or S-1, S-2, S-3 and S-4 (if relatively small sample sizes are necessary, and the associated risks are tolerable).

    Inspection Severity

    In the drop-down menu Inspection Severity, choose between the options Normal, Reduced, Tightened or Discontinued as system default.

    Quality Level

    Select the preferred Quality Level in the drop-down menu.

    The quality level is expressed in a number (percentage or ratio) which expresses the worst tolerable quality level. If this number is exceeded, the batch is rejected.