
In the module Inbound Management (11) the receipts of goods are managed.

This module consists of the following elements:

  • Suppliers (1)
  • Carriers (3)
  • Customers (2)
  • Purchase Orders (12) (Module Advanced Inbound Management required)
  • ASNs (13) (Module Advanced Inbound Management required)
  • Receipts (5)
  • Returns (6)
  • Putaways (9)
  • Assets (4)
  • Tasks (7)

Besides the management of receipts, we have:

  • Asset Management (8) to track and manage the logistic carriers.
  • Task Management (10) to have an overview of all tasks and be able to manage them all.

Each element can consist of one or more sub elements. Depending on the acquired modules, tabs and sub tabs will appear in specific elements.

Figure: Inbound Management

Pre-registration of expected receipts can be:

  • interfaced from the ERP system,
  • created locally in Objective.

It is possible to add a receipt instruction to a receipt. A receipt document with an overview of these instructions can be printed.