Edit a repack order

Depending on the status of the repack order, everything, a part or nothing of the order may be edited.

  • Only a repack order with the status IDLE can be fully edited.
  • A repack order with the status PLANNED can be fully edited, but the repack operation can only be edited to another operation which happens on the same work center.
  • For a repack order with the status RELEASED or PICKED only the description, the priority and the due date can be edited.
  1. Choose VAL, Kit & Repack Management > Repack Orders in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Search for and select the repack order.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Edit Repack Order in the toolbar.
    • Right-click the repack order and choose Edit Repack Order in the shortcut menu.
  4. If necessary, edit fields in the option groups Repack Order Info and Repack Operation Info. See Add a new repack order (without the request of an order) for more information.
  5. Click Finish.