Add employees to an application privilege

To give certain employees access to specific elements of the application, you can assign application privileges to an employee.
Use this procedure only if you want to assign a certain application to a specific employee. In all other cases, you should create a user profile that contains the desired application privileges and add the employees to the user profile. See Add a user profile to an employee.
  1. Choose Resource Management > Skills & Privileges > Privileges in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Choose the tab Application Privileges in the Data Pane.
  3. Choose the application privilege.
  4. Choose the sub tab Employees.
  5. Click Add Employees .
  6. Select the employees in the Wizard Add Employees.
  7. Click Finish.
    The application privileges assigned to an employee, are assigned to the user profile CUSTOM. This user profile contains all the skills and privileges (application privileges and user privileges) that are assigned to the employee.