
Privileges can be grouped in a user profile. A profile is a grouping of a number of independent privileges that are usually assigned to a group of users (employees) or devices.

The use of profiles makes management of the access rights of the various user groups easy. You only need to assign a profile to an employee to assign all privileges that are grouped in the profile to the employee.

There are 2 types of profiles:

  • User profile: contains 1 or more privileges that can be assigned ass a whole to 1 or more employees. The same employee can have 1 or more user profiles. This way a user profile can be split up with privileges per function domain.

    Example: An employee who is a shift leader but who should also be able to cover an operator position, can be assigned the operator user profile and the shift leader user profile.

  • Device Profile: is used to set the privileges of the Objective Operator Client application when nobody is logged on to the device. By assigning specific privileges, data will be visible and/or editable without anyone having to be logged on to the application.

    Example: A profile with access to the Objective Supervisor application can be assigned to both supervisors and QC employees. Besides this profile, QC employees can also be assigned a specific QC profile containing the specific privileges to perform QC status changes.