Export data from the application
Displayed data can be exported to a file.
- In the Navigation Pane choose the (sub) elements from which you want to export the data.
Do one of the following:
- Click Export the current table data
on the toolbar.
- Right-click a column header and choose Export table in the shortcut menu.
- Click Export the current table data
In File type choose:
- CSV File (ASCII), data will be separated by a comma.
- MS Excel File, data will be exported as a Microsoft Excel file.
Preferably choose MS Excel File. Excel allows you to immediately update data and use formulas and functions to calculate values. -
Check or uncheck File Options > Open with default viewer.
After exporting, the file is automatically opened with the default application set on your computer. If you do not check the option or if no default application is available, the file will be saved, but you will have to manually open the file with a program of your choice.
In Data Options, check or uncheck the following options:
Field Explanation Export using current table layout
- Export header (checked by default), also exports the data column headers
- Export data as raw (non-formatted) values (unchecked by default), exports data in their internal technical format. This format can be different from what is shown on the screen. For example: a date in the application can be exported as a number.
Only the data in the added columns can be exported, as far as the system allows exporting these data. - If you export a file to be used as a basis for the importation of data, you MUST check both options in Data Options.
- When exporting data for reporting purposes, uncheck Export data as raw (non-formatted) values.
Export using default layout The export of data can be executed according to a default layout. The data will be exported, regardless which columns are added.
Example: the setting 'FULL CSV IMPORT' will export all the data allowed by the system, regardless which columns are visible in the application.
This option can be selected by default in the following elements in the Configurator: Employees, Items, Customers, Suppliers, Carriers, Locations, Badges. - Click Next.
- Choose a location and enter a file name.
- Click Finish.