Create Yard Appointment and Check-in

  1. Choose Dock & Yard Management > Dock Appointments in the Navigation Pane. Search for and select the dock appointment.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click the dock appointment and choose Create Yard Appointment and Check-in in the shortcut menu.
    • Click Create Yard Appointment and Check-in in the toolbar.
  3. In Create Yard Appointment Check-in Wizard dialog box:
    1. Select the yard activity and click in the Possible Yard Activities section.
    2. The selected yard activities will be displayed in the Selected Yard Activities section.
    3. Yard location details are available in the Details section. Click to update the yard location if required.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Complete the fields below in the Info group:

    Transport Unit

    Click to choose a transport unit.


    Description of the transport unit.

    Transport Details

    Enter General Details, Driver Details, and Weight Details in the appropriate fields.

  4. Click Finish.
    The system will automatically generate a proposal with pre-populated yard activities and suggested locations, both of which the user can adjust as needed.