SKU ASRS system settings

  1. Choose System Management > WMS Settings > ASRS Settings in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Choose Configuration > ASRS Settings in the Data Pane.
  3. If required, check the following options in the option group ASRS SKU Options:

    Take stock going towards (putaway) ASRS into account for replenishment level

    Stock on its way to the ASRS is already considered as available stock in the ASRS.

    Only applicable for putaways, not replenishments. Replenished stock is only available if present in the ASRS.
    Consider allocated stock as available space for replenishment
    • If disabled, it will only be validated if the total amount of released demands is exceeding the available inventory (on hand stock + already created replenishments).

      REPLENISH WILL BE TRIGGERED IF: released demands >= on hand stock + created replenishments.

    • If enabled, the allocated demands will also be taken into account as free space in the ASRS. So also the allocated demands are already taken in to count as 'occupied' space in ASRS. That way the replenishment level will be reached earlier, so the replenishments to/in the ASRS will take place earlier.

      REPLENISH WILL BE TRIGGERED IF: released demands + allocated demands >= on hand stock + created replenishments.