Modify the inventory

Item, (sub)lot, production date and/or Best Before of the selected inventory can be modified.

This can e.g. be applicable if an item name contains a quality indication. In that case, a (part of a) lot may switch to another item after a quality control.

Items within one and the same lot must have the same production date and Best Before, otherwise the unique identification of a (sub)lot is no longer possible. It can be set that a new lot is created if you want to assign a new date to a part of a lot.
  • The inventory cannot be modified on inbound, marshaling and system locations, and in pick zones, pick locations and LPN buffers.
  • The inventory of serial number controlled items cannot be modified.
  1. Choose the tab Stock.
  2. Set how you wish to view the stock, see View inventory.
    It is only possible to modify the inventory if it has the same item and lot. If necessary, set the Location Level and Item Level to an appropriate level of detail to obtain a modifiable inventory.
  3. Select an inventory.
    A multiple selection is possible provided that it concerns one and the same item and lot.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Click Modify Inventory .
    • Right-click the inventory and choose Modify Inventory in the shortcut menu.
  5. If required, edit one or several fields in the option group Settings:
    Item If the item has to be modified, perform one of the following actions:
    • In the field Item, enter the name of the item type and press Enter.
    • Click Select Item or press Alt + I, select the item in Select Item Wizard and click Finish.
      An alternative item must have the same base Uom and (sub)lot control setting.
    Lot This field can only be modified if the item is lot controlled.

    Enter the new lot number of the selected inventory.

    Sublot This field can only be modified if the item is sublot controlled.

    Enter the new sublot number of the selected inventory.

    Production Date This field can only be modified if the item is lot controlled.

    Enter the new production date of the selected inventory.

    Best Before This field can only be modified if the item is lot controlled, and if the setting Shelf Life is checked (see Edit the shelf life of an item).

    Enter the new Best Before of the selected inventory, or click Calculate Best Before to set the Best Before automatically to the correct date, taking the set shelf life into account.

    If a new production date and/or Best Before is assigned to a part of a lot, this part will be separated as a new lot if set in System Management in the Configurator (see Set lot reclassification).
    When modifying the item, (sub)lot or Best Before, it may happen that the configuration rules of the Inventory Options of the location would be violated (Single Item, Single Lot, Single Sublot, Single Best Before) (see Add properties to a location (without underlying locations)). In that case, it won't be possible to implement the modification.
  6. Select the desired inventory adjust reason in the drop-down menu Reason in the option group Modify Reason.
    If required, enter the reason why the value(s) have been modified in the field Comment.
  7. Click Finish.