Assign a requirement to an employee

When assigning a requirement to an employee, you can set the employee(s) to whom the requirement must be assigned, and how much availability should be assigned.
  1. Choose Capacity Management > Planning Cells in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Select the planning cell.
  3. Choose the tab Planning in the Data Pane.
  4. Use a time filter to select the desired period.
  5. Select one or more requirements of the same skill in the requirements pane.
  6. Right-click the selection and choose Assign to Employees in the shortcut menu.
  7. Where applicable, in the option group Employee, uncheck the following filters:
    • Only show employees that are able to execute the required skills
    • Only show employees that have remaining availability
  8. Check the employee to whom the requirement must be assigned.
    If necessary, use the buttons Show Availability Details and Show Skills to show detailed information of the selected employee.
  9. Choose one of the following options:
    Use max ... % of the remaining availability This allows you to limit the assignment of availability to a percentage of the remaining availability as determined by you.
    Use max ... % of the total availability This allows you to limit the assignment of availability to a percentage of the total availability as determined by you.
    Assign ... FTE This allows you to assign (parts of) FTEs of the requirement to the employee(s).
  10. Where applicable, check one of the following options:
    Allow to assign more than required If checked, more can be assigned than is required. If more is assigned than required, an anomaly appears and the availability is by default displayed in light orange. See Set the visualization of the requirements.
    Automatically replace the employee's current assignments If checked, the assignments that were already present will be cleared and replaced with new assignments.
  11. Click Finish.