Seal the relations between operations

By linking relations between operations you can save time. You can have one operation seal with the next related operation or you can have all the following related operations sealed.

When sealing the relations between the operations, the set minimum delay between the operations will be taken into consideration.
  1. Choose Production Management > Planning Cells in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Select the planning cell.
  3. Choose the tab Planning.
  4. Click Add Relations .
  5. Right-click an operation and choose one of the following actions in the dropdown menu:
    Seal Relations > Seal Next The following related operation seals with the selected operation on the basis of the attributes of the relation (start-start, end-start, end-end) and the minimum delay set.
    Seal Relations > Seal All Next All the following related operations seal with each other on the basis of the attributes of the relation (start-start, end-start, end-end) and the minimum delay set.
    Seal Relations > Seal Previous The previous related operation seals with the selected operation on the basis of the attributes of the relation (start-start, end-start, end-end) and the minimum delay set.
    Seal Relations > Seal All Previous All the previous related operations seal with each other on the basis of the attributes of the relation (start-start, end-start, end-end) and the minimum delay set.