Delete an indirect activity group

To delete an indirect activity group that is still in use, you must first remove the indirect activity group from the machines and work centers it is used for.
  1. Choose Production Management > Indirect Activities in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Choose one or more indirect activity groups in the tab Indirect Activity Groups.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click Delete Indirect Activity Group in the toolbar.
    • Right-click the selection and choose Delete Indirect Activity Group in the shortcut menu.
  4. Confirm in the dialog box Delete Indirect Activity Group.
    Possibly, the dialog box Delete Indirect Activity Group will appear. The indirect activity group cannot be deleted! The dialog box shows you an overview of the resources the indirect activity group is used for. Remove the indirect activity group from the resources and repeat from step 1.
  5. Possibly, the dialog box Delete Indirect Activity Group will appear. Check whether in this case all indirect activities in this indirect activity group can be deleted. Click:
    • Yes, to delete all indirect activities.
    • No, to cancel the deletion.