
The employee registers his actual attendance via clockings. A registration or clocking is the notification of a user having adjusted their attendance.

Employee attendance can be edited with one of the following clockings:

  • Attendance clocking: The registration of the employee who starts working (status becomes 'ACTIVE'), or the registration of the employee who stops working (status becomes 'STOPPED').
  • Cost center clocking: The registration of the employee who is going to work at a different cost center in the facility.

    Cost center clockings allow you to perform an accounting analysis of the performances.

  • Info clocking: An info clocking is a clocking to which extra information is added.

    Example 1: The employee commutes by bicycle. When clocking, he selects F1, chooses BCL (bicycle compensation) and enters the number of miles.

    Example 2: The supervisor adds an info clocking for an employee. The supervisor chooses BCL from the drop-down menu Type and enters the destination of the trip in the field Info.

Clockings can be registered in two ways in Objective.

  • Manual clocking: If a clocking is entered with a password-protected device (Supervisor, webclient). Manual clockings can be deleted at any time.
  • Automatic clocking: If a registration is done with a device controlled by a personal badge. Automatic clockings can only be disabled (meaning, the clocking can always be found, even if it was incorrect).

Attendance of an employee can also be registered without automatic or manual clockings by the supervisor.