Add a new day validation rule

A day validation rule is a validation rule that is directed by System Management using a schedule.

For example: At 10:00 in the morning to see who is late, and in the afternoon to see who is absent.

  • A validation rule at Day Rules is applied at the end of the day during the processing of the day.
  • A validation rule at Day Validation Rules is applied according to a schedule (set in System Management).
  1. Choose Attendance Management > Rules > Day Rules > Day Rules in the Navigation Pane.
  2. Click New Rule in the toolbar of the tab Specific Day Rules.
  3. Select one or more rule blocks from the option group Possible Rule Blocks.
  4. Click to move the rule blocks to the option group Selected Rule Blocks.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Change the name of the day validation rule.
  7. Choose the tab Rule Configuration.
  8. Select a rule block and use the arrows to adjust the sequence.
  9. Select a rule block and configure the rule block, see Configure a rule block.
  10. Add an attendance group, see Add an attendance group to a rule.
  11. Add employees, see Add an employee to a rule.